Friday, February 26, 2010

Organizing fabrics

I am working on my clutter still and I wonder how you store your fabrics. I have several plastic bins full mostly in the garage for lack of floor space in the house. I see several of you roll your fabrics and tie them when I see your blogs.  Is this the most efficient way do you think?

I very much would like your opinions as I am still trying to reduce my clutter so I can have some working space to CREATE what is in my head.

I also am storing my painting brushes in sand pails along with pencils, crayolas, gel pens, chalk,colored markers, etc.

I went to a new craft/art store yesterday and I fell in love with it. It was downtown near the UAB area so not close to me at all, but with all the downtown Doctor's appointments, it can be a stop on those days of course when I have some cash.  I did get the neatest Asian paint brushes for Calligraphy! And I went in for tracing paper to learn to paint, hopefully able to lose the stencils and paint freehand soon, I just have to get started.

Well, I am wandering again, I started out with fabrics and now I am on papers and painting.
It all goes together with mixed media art. Please give me your opinons on storage.

Here are some photos I took quickley as I was working just now. I probably should be marking the yardage as I tie bundles but well, another day!

The yellow dress has a bike on it , so I plan to use it somehow with something someway( grins)

This is our old Bedskirt tied together with the 3 floor panels
and the underbed fabric looks like good ribbon material, I think!
and New Bedding,
 I  can't just throw it away

Smiles, Cyndi

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Second Bonanzle Store!

I just created a new Bonanzle shop for my Crafting merchandise. I have no inventory yet but my friend, Peg at OneRingyDingy made my banner and avatar for me.

I already have one Bonanzle Shop at Frstyfrolk's Boutique and my husband and our dog, Emma have a shop, MyShop4Pets for all your pet needs and they have also  recently added some licensed items like Ballpark and Military, Retired, etc. License Plates for a Car or your Wall and Ball Caps.
The New " New York Stadium " has been a big seller! :-)

I will be adding all kinds of Crafting needs. I will have Vintage and New Craft Books and Patterns along with Vintage Sewing Patterns, Buttons, Fabric Swatches, Beading Needs, just all kinds of Supplies and Crafting needs.

I do have many Vintage crafting supplies that I have gathered from estate sales and charity shops. I have not been to an auction lately but I need to go looking for paper supplies and old books. I already have many bookcases full of the crafting books and patterns. I also like to look through Books and Magazines for Retro and Vintage copyright free images. I yearn to learn paintshop where I can edit like some of my best friends can do.

Come make me a favorite shop to you by selecting a FAVORITE on the left side of the Bonanzle store links toward the bottom under Catagories at DragonflyzDreams and I will announce my Grand Opening Soon! I will also favorite you from my store.

I look forward to it and I just adore my new Banner! My Dragonfly Feather Goddess, isn't she cute!
We will be OPEN for business soon!

Smiles, Cyndi