Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blog Design Gone ~ No Layout Link anymore!

On This Blog and my "ByLightOfMoon" Blogger Dashboards will only let me make "New " posts. I have been trying to change the sidebar links and the "Layout Link"  , but is not to be found.

I have written to Blogger Help but still have not been able to fix this problem.  I had my computer re-done after I got a Virus and Lost alot of Information and Photographs. I wish this on No One Ever!

Hopefully I can get it re-done and start getting back to normal soon.

Thanks for following me this far.

Smiles, Cyndi

Monday, January 2, 2017

Folkart, Primitives and More team catalogue ~ Check it out, A Fabulous Etsy Team!

Folkart, Primitives and More team catalogue

Design Link Lost!  Oh Dashboard, where did you go?

I have lost my "Dashboard" to Design this blog. I am working on a solution but complicated for me.

Lat's have a Very " Happy  2017" with lots of sales.  The Team Tag is " FAAP" to search on Etsy and you will find a wide variety of very creative artists with lots of One of a Kind ( OOAK) makings and offering to you.  We also have a dirverse selection of Folk Art and Primitive Vintage Items.

You may also visit the Team Blog at Folk Art and Primitives blog!

Smiles, Cyndi